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Set of Tanguard 2016net 01-91-34512-A Programming TanGuard 2016net 1 GT13E2 KKS CYQ01CQ218 (V3.13) Sensor 1 ExHaust Air Duct S1 KKS CYQ01CQ212 (0-100% LEL, A.L1-3 6/10/15% LEL) Sensor 2 Ignitiongas Sensor KKS CYQ01CQ281 (0-100% LEL, A.L1 20% LEL) Sensor 4 Power Supply 1 (24V DC) + 00-91-35100-A TanGuard 2016net TanGuard 2016net is the modern microprocessor based gas warning device to monitoring and alerting of toxic and explosive gases and steams for up to eight measuring points into compact 19'' inch rack. The system can be adapted to all customized requirements simply with the password protected menu structure. The attitudes for the attached gas transmitters are made with the internal keyboard. The configuration of the alarm organization is very simply realized with the integrated alarm matrix. Technical Data: Type of Device: TanGuard 2016net Power Supply: 24V DC Max. Consumption: depending on Sensor Type max. 50W Temperature Range: -0°C to +50°C (short time 60°C) Analog-Output: 8x4-20mA (max. 250 ohms) Digital-Output: 8x3 Logic Signal for Alarm 1 to 4 1 Logic Signal for Sensor Fault 1 Logic Signal for Calibration Mode* 1 Logic Signal for Calibration Status 1 Logic Signal for Maintenance Alarm Network: TCP/IP RS232C, CAN Bus (in preparation) Remote Control: with TCP/IP Data Pick Out: with FTP Event Recorder: for max. 4000 Events Temperature Recorder: for max 4000 Events Electrical Connections: Power Supply: 3 pole Plug Interface: 2x37 pole Plug RS232C: 1x9 pole Plug CAN: 1x9 pole Plug TCP/IP: 1x RJ45 Remote Control: with Web Interface Housing Type: 19'' inch rack version Painting: RAL 7035/5002 Type of Protection: IP30 Dimensions: 243x223x129mm (3HE/ 42TE)
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01-90-34540-A Programming TanGas Flow 2016net Sensor 1 KKS CYQ01CQ212 (0-100% V3.13) + 00-90-35000-A TanGas Flow 2016net 0-100% LEL Analyser for the measurement of explosive gas with pump by-pass process. Indication of the gas concentration and the alarm status. The activation of the integrated solenoid valve block for the automatic zero point and/or sensitivity calibration. The system can be adapted to all customized requirements simply with the password protected menu structure. The configuration of the alarm organization is very simply realized with the integrated alarm matrix. Technical Data: Type of device: TanGas Flow 2016net Power Supply: 24V DC Max. Consumption: 25W Temperature Range: -20°C to +50°C (short time 60°C) Analog-Output: 1x4-20mA (max. 250 ohms) Digital-Output: 4 Logic Signal for Alarm 1 to 4 1 Logic Signal for Sensor Fault 1 Logic Signal for Calibration Mode * 1 Logic Signal for Calibration Status 1 Logic Signal for Maintenance Alarm Network: TCP/IP RS232C, CAN Bus (in preparation) Remote Control: with TCP/IP Data Pick Out: with FTP Event Recorder: for max. 4000 Events Temperature Recorder: for max. 4000 Events * Note dew point of sampling Technical Data IR-Sensor: Type of Gas: Methane CH4 Measuring Principle: ND-Infrared Detector Measuring Range: 0-100% LEL Reaction Time T90: < 10 seconds Accuracy: 2% FS Stability: < ± 1% / Month Zero-Drift: < ± 1% / Month Temperature Range: -20°C to +50°C (short time 60°C) Relative Humidity: < 99% RH Warm up Time: 1 hour Electrical Connections: Power Supply and Data Interface: 14 pole Plug TCP/IP: 1x RJ45 Remote maintenance:: with Web Interface Pneumatic Connections: Push Plug-In: 2x6mm Dimensions: Housing Type: Wall Mounting Unit Aluminum Painting: Powder Coating RAL 7035/5002 Type of Protection: IP65 Dimensions: 175x135x300mm (LxWxH)
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Set of Analys 2016net 01-92-34522-A Programming Analys 2016net with 13 MP CYQ01CQ211 (V3.13) + 00-92-35200-A Analys 2016net Analyser with up to 16 measuring points for the measurement of toxic or explosive gas or oxygen with a pump-bypass system. Indication of the gas concentration and the alarm status. To actuate the pre suction pump block. To actuate the solenoid valve block with separately pre suck and sample drawing. The system can be adapted to all customized requirements, simply with the password protected menu structure. The configuration of the alarm organization is very simply realized with the integrated alarm matrix. Technical Data: Type of device: Analys 2016net Power Supply: 24V DC Max. Consumption: 25W Temperature Range: -20°C to +50°C (short time 60°C) Analog-Output: 1x4-20mA (max. 250 ohms) Digital-Output: 4 Logic Signal for Alarm 1 to 4 1 Logic Signal for Sensor Fault 1 Logic Signal for Calibration Mode * 1 Logic Signal for Calibration Status 1 Logic Signal for Maintenance Alarm to activate the Solenoid Valve Unit to activate the Presuction Pump Block Network: TCP/IP RS232C, CAN Bus (in preparation) Remote Control: with TCP/IP Data Pick Out: with FTP Event Recorder: for max. 4000 Events Temperature Recorder: for max. 4000 Events * Note dew point of sampling Technical Data IR-Sensor: Type of Gas: Methane CH4 Measuring Principle: ND-Infrared Detector Measuring Range: 0-100% LEL Reaction Time T90: < 10 seconds Accuracy: 2% FS Stability: < ± 1% / Month Zero-Drift: < ± 1% / Month Temperature Range: -20°C to +50°C (short time 60°C) Relative Humidity: < 99% RH Warm up Time: 1 hour Electrical Connections: Power Supply: 3 pole Plug Interface: 2x37 pole Plug RS232C: 1x9 pole Plug CAN: 1x9 pole Plug TCP/IP: 1x RJ45 Remote Control: with Web Interface Housing Type: 19'' inch rack version Painting: RAL 7035/5002 Type of Protection: IP30 Dimensions: 243x223x129mm (3HE/ 42TE)
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Unsere Firma beschäftigt sich mit der Zustellung von Maschinen Tantronic, sowie Zubehör und Komponenten für die Generalüberholung. Wir sind einer der führenden Vertriebspartner Europaweit. Auf unserer Internetseite können Sie sich in unserer Broschüre von mehr als 3 Millionen Waren mit dem verfügbaren Palette an Produkten vertraut machen. Alle Artikeln haben eine Zertifizierung mit Hersteller Garantie.

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Unsere Oberhand liegt darin, dass wir durch Direktlieferungen und eine reibungslose Logistik eine Mindestmarge für die Produkte festlegen können. Dadurch können Tantronic-Geräte günstiger, als die der Mitbewerber sein. Bei der Kooperation mit uns können Sie sicherstellen, dass Fairness und Offenheit in allen Phasen für uns, im Umgang mit Verbrauchern, eine wichtige Rolle spielen.

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